Hybrid ATM by itself provides all the services of a branch. This machine is manufactured by Hysung Company. It has different modules for receive and pay cash, receive money and check simultaneously, pay (gold) coin and many other modules. This is an innovative solution that maximizes branch effectiveness. Moreover, it improves security and provides customers with better services.
By having a module for selling coin and foreign currency, this machine can provide customers with their requested coin and currencies. If the feature of electronic currency exchange is enables with this machine, it is possible to receive Rial or other currencies and provide the customer with another equivalent currency. Also pay coin module makes it possible to sell coin based on precise calculations. It can also be used for selling bank coins.
Hybrid ATM bank services:
As explained above, a hybrid ATM is a branch by itself. Its image interface has made this machine easier to use. Hybrid ATM provides the following services:
- Receive and pay cash (including banknote and coin)
- Open account and issue card
- Provide facilities and loans
- Receive bank check and transfer to account or cash the check instantly
- Transfer money between deposits and transfer money and transfer by SATNA and PAYA
- Issue bank guarantee
- Issue bank gift card
- Pay services bill and buy credit for mobile phone
- Change card password and internet password
- Report a lost card and block the card, Hamrah bank and internet bank
- Provide account balance and receive account transactions and bank account statement
-can documents
Services provided by hybrid ATM take us closer to the goal of a self-service ATM by which we no longer need a branch. Among the features of this machine is the possibility of adding different modules to provide better and different services such as scanner, card dispenser, etc. It must be mentioned that Irannara is the only provider of theses hybrid ATMs.